The problem of suicidality, personality disorder, and treatment: an alternative psycho-social perspective

Submitted: April 17, 2024
Accepted: November 12, 2024
Published: December 3, 2024
Abstract Views: 1105
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Suicidal behaviour, including both attempted and completed suicides, has been increasing globally, particularly in industrialized nations, making suicidality a significant public health concern. Despite the allocation of increasing resources by US, EU, and UK governmental and mental health bodies, the effectiveness of current strategies for the treatment, management, and prevention of suicide remains in question. This paper reviews evidence from epidemiological studies and national prevention policies, alongside research data from a London-based specialist personality disorder treatment centre and clinical case studies from private psychiatric/psychotherapy practice, to explore an alternative psychosocial approach to addressing suicidality. The dominant psychiatric model, which relies heavily on medication, hospitalization, and often coercive methods of control, may have iatrogenic effects, potentially exacerbating the risk of suicide. In contrast, a psychodynamic and psychosocial approach, focused on understanding the underlying psychological dimensions of suicidality, fostering a trusting therapeutic alliance, addressing both internal and external factors contributing to suicidal behaviour, and promoting open dialogue around suicidal thoughts, has shown promise in reducing suicide risk. The findings presented in this paper argue for a rethinking of traditional psychiatric approaches, advocating for a shift toward more personalized, collaborative, and psychologically informed interventions that can more effectively reduce the risk of suicide.



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How to Cite

Chiesa, M. (2024). The problem of suicidality, personality disorder, and treatment: an alternative psycho-social perspective. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 27(3).

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