

David Orlinsky, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Division of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago, USA
Erkki Heinonen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway
Irene Messina, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome, Italy


Psychotherapy reserch has identified therapist effects as important factors leading to therapy success. Consistently, in the last two decades there has been a growing interest in research on psychotherapists’ development and psychotherapy training effectiveness. In this special issue, Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome (RIPPPO) is inviting manuscripts which provide salient research findings and/or theoretical reflection on psychotherapists’/psychotherapy trainees’ development, psychotherapy training effectiveness, supervision and personal therapy. Contributions coming from different theorethical perspectives on psychotherapy training (psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural, systemic, humanistic, etc.) and trainings focused on different psychotherapy modalities (individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, children therapy, etc.) are welcome. Specifically, we invite authors expert in the field as well as their trainees, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows, to submit quantitative and qualitative empirical studies, methodological works, clinical studies papers, systematic review and meta-analyses that address a clearly defined question or issue in one of the following aspects of research:

1. Therapists’ development: longitudinal studies documenting progressive changes in psychotherapists/psychotherapy trainees over time; cross-sectional comparisons between psychotherapists/trainees at different steps of development; factors that facilitate or impede trainee development; continuing education.

2. Psychotherapy training effectiveness: training effectiveness; effective methods for psychotherapy training; role of psychotherapy training in promoting development; developmental factors associated to psychotherapy process and outcome.

3. The person of the psychotherapist/psychotherapy trainee: quality of life, mental health, professional burnout, personal and professional background; therapist characteristics associated to psychotherapy process and outcome; candidates selection.

4. Supervision: supervisory relationship; supervision efficacy; effective supervision methods; supervision factors associated to psychotherapy process and outcome.

5. Psychotherapists/trainees’ personal therapy: effectiveness of personal therapy; tailoring psychotherapy to psychotherapists/psychotherapy trainees; specificity of personal psychotherapy with psychotherapists/psychotherapy trainees; the controversial issue of mandatory psychotherapy.

Manuscripts have to comply with general RIPPPO editorial rules (see guide for authors at http://www.researchinpsychotherapy.org/index.php/rpsy/about/submissions#authorGuidelines).

All authors who are interested to apply in this Special issue in RIPPPO must submit to the website (https://www.researchinpsychotherapy.org/index.php/rpsy/about/submissions ) within 15th April 2024, a file with: paper title, author(s) with affiliation(s), 3-5 keywords, corresponding author’s address, email and phone number, and a 250 words structured abstract (introduction, methods, results, discussion). Please specify: “RIPPPO SPECIAL ISSUE ON PSYCHOTHERAPISTS DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS”.