Search Results
Found 204 items.
Development and preliminary validation of the Clinician Affective REsponse (CARE) scale
Dreaming during COVID-19: the effects of a world trauma
3505PDF: 887HTML: 88 -
Perceived professional development of Chinese psychotherapy trainees: a pilot study
2581PDF: 658HTML: 142 -
Personal therapeutic approach in Gestalt therapists working with clients suffering from medically unexplained psychosomatic symptoms
5339PDF: 1296Appendix: 96HTML: 59 -
Motivations to become psychotherapists: beyond the concept of the wounded healer
3571PDF: 1829HTML: 74 -
Epistemic trust: a comprehensive review of empirical insights and implications for developmental psychopathology
5823PDF: 1063Supplementary Material: 105HTML: 143 -
The contributions of Sidney J. Blatt: a personal and intellectual biography
1949PDF: 682HTML: 1992 -
Evaluating the efficacy of psychodynamic treatment on a single case of autism. A qualitative research
3990PDF: 1827HTML: 2432 -
Adolescents’ experiences of psychotherapy following child sexual abuse
1610PDF: 659HTML: 97 -
Introduction to the Special Section on Working on dreams, from psychotherapy to neuroscience
5816PDF: 956HTML: 370 -
Special issue: Research in child and adolescent psychotherapy
919PDF: 388HTML: 21 -
The contribution of Sidney Blatt's two-polarities model to the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
3443PDF: 1309HTML: 960 -
Changes in the anaclitic-introjective personality configurations following psychoanalytic psychotherapy with young adults
1832PDF: 805APPENDIX: 273HTML: 1879 -
The real relationship: the Portuguese version of the Real Relationship Inventory-Client form
1671PDF: 539HTML: 91 -
Dreaming during the COVID-19 lockdown: a comparison of Italian adolescents and adults
4668PDF: 512HTML: 76 -
Psychotherapists’ experiences of telepsychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina: impact on therapy setting, therapeutic relationship and burden
1689PDF: 458Appendices: 149HTML: 26 -
Personal Projects Analysis as an idiographic approach in psychotherapy: an exploratory study
1169PDF: 292HTML: 22 -
Effectiveness is the gold standard of clinical research
2044PDF: 1075HTML: 621 -
Balancing clinical risk with countertransference management protects alliance
1803PDF: 1138HTML: 455 -
The relevance of social dreaming for action research: exploring jail workers’ unconscious thinking of the changes in the prison organization
6096PDF: 591HTML: 86Appendix: 211 -
Introduction to the issue in honor of Sidney Blatt
1103PDF: 457HTML: 226 -
Working on dreams, from neuroscience to psychotherapy
5710PDF: 1289HTML: 114 -
Measuring health-related quality of life measures in children: lessons from a pilot study
1683PDF: 481HTML: 86 -
The associations between interoceptive awareness, emotion regulation, acceptance, and well-being in patients receiving multicomponent treatment: a dynamic panel network model
2090PDF: 552Supplementary Material: 155HTML: 104