Search Results
Found 47 items.
The Italian version of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire: psychometric properties and validation in students, community, and clinical groups
2014PDF: 1781APPENDIX: 302HTML: 419 -
A pilot study of the Italian adaptation of the Session Evaluation Questionnaire fourth version
1833PDF: 814HTML: 118 -
Italian validation of the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10 (CORE-10): a short measure for routine outcome monitoring in clinical practice
1850PDF: 500Supplementary Material: 82HTML: 32 -
Validation and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Power Behavioural System Scale
1526PDF: 438Appendix: 129HTML: 11 -
Interpersonal emotion regulation questionnaire: psychometric properties of the Italian version and associations with psychopathology
2565PDF: 1545Appendix: 426HTML: 405 -
Dreaming during the COVID-19 lockdown: a comparison of Italian adolescents and adults
4652PDF: 511HTML: 76 -
Different epistemic stances for different traumatic experiences: implications for mentalization
1189PDF: 557Supplementary Material: 90HTML: 52 -
Virtue, well-being, and mentalized affectivity
1347PDF: 524Supplementary Material: 89HTML: 45 -
Defense mechanisms are associated with mental health symptoms across six countries
1157PDF: 411Supplementary Material: 72HTML: 217 -
Motivations to become psychotherapists: beyond the concept of the wounded healer
3439PDF: 1781HTML: 70 -
Going through the lockdown: a longitudinal study on the psychological consequences of the coronavirus pandemic
3538PDF: 891SUPPLEMENTARY: 118HTML: 25 -
Psychotherapies for Anxiety and Depression: benefits and costs
2252PDF: 1341HTML: 272 -
Monitoring the effects of therapeutic interventions in depression through self-assessments
1627PDF: 471HTML: 34 -
Italian adaptation of the Group Questionnaire: validity and factorial structure
997PDF: 672HTML: 87 -
The assessment of therapist responsiveness in psychotherapy research: a systematic review
Epistemic trust: a comprehensive review of empirical insights and implications for developmental psychopathology
5719PDF: 1023Supplementary Material: 103HTML: 143 -
Introduction to the issue in honor of Sidney Blatt
1095PDF: 455HTML: 226 -
The Lausanne Trilogue Play within the outcome evaluation in infant mental health: a preliminary report
2870PDF: 1193HTML: 1324 -
Effectiveness is the gold standard of clinical research
2040PDF: 1072HTML: 621
1 - 47 of 47 items