Search Results
Found 47 items.
The contribution of Sidney Blatt's two-polarities model to the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
3427PDF: 1307HTML: 960 -
Transference interpretation and psychotherapy outcome: a systematic review of a no-consensus relationship
Evaluating the efficacy of psychodynamic treatment on a single case of autism. A qualitative research
3958PDF: 1811HTML: 2419 -
The Lausanne Trilogue Play within the outcome evaluation in infant mental health: a preliminary report
2876PDF: 1194HTML: 1328 -
The Italian version of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire: psychometric properties and validation in students, community, and clinical groups
2017PDF: 1784APPENDIX: 303HTML: 419 -
A proposed conceptualization of therapeutic competence: the three level model
2685PDF: 1432HTML: 1050 -
Identifying predictors associated with the severity of eating concerns in females with eating disorders
2235PDF: 1066HTML: 1406 -
Changes in the anaclitic-introjective personality configurations following psychoanalytic psychotherapy with young adults
1827PDF: 804APPENDIX: 273HTML: 1877 -
A systematic review on the role of therapist characteristics in the treatment of eating disorders
The contributions of Sidney J. Blatt: a personal and intellectual biography
1934PDF: 676HTML: 1992 -
Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: an overview
17845PDF: 5927HTML: 51599 -
Personal therapeutic approach in Gestalt therapists working with clients suffering from medically unexplained psychosomatic symptoms
5289PDF: 1289Appendix: 95HTML: 59 -
Antisocial personality disorder in group therapy, kindling pro-sociality and mentalizing
3948PDF: 993HTML: 67 -
Motivations to become psychotherapists: beyond the concept of the wounded healer
3483PDF: 1801HTML: 72 -
Models of practice and training in psychotherapy: cross-national perspectives from Italy and Canada
1231PDF: 466Supplementary Material: 165HTML: 19 -
Special issue: Research in child and adolescent psychotherapy
911PDF: 387HTML: 21 -
Introduction to the issue in honor of Sidney Blatt
1102PDF: 456HTML: 226 -
Dreaming during COVID-19: the effects of a world trauma
3490PDF: 886HTML: 88
1 - 47 of 47 items