Search Results
Found 54 items.
Different epistemic stances for different traumatic experiences: implications for mentalization
1198PDF: 561Supplementary Material: 90HTML: 52 -
Virtue, well-being, and mentalized affectivity
1357PDF: 527Supplementary Material: 89HTML: 45 -
Antisocial personality disorder in group therapy, kindling pro-sociality and mentalizing
3948PDF: 993HTML: 67 -
Epistemic trust: a comprehensive review of empirical insights and implications for developmental psychopathology
5755PDF: 1031Supplementary Material: 103HTML: 143 -
Assessing mentalization in psychotherapy: first validation of the Mentalization Imbalances Scale
2082PDF: 2126HTML: 56 -
Motivations to become psychotherapists: beyond the concept of the wounded healer
3483PDF: 1801HTML: 72 -
Working on dreams, from neuroscience to psychotherapy
5677PDF: 1280HTML: 114 -
The contributions of Sidney J. Blatt: a personal and intellectual biography
1934PDF: 676HTML: 1992 -
An exploratory study on how attachment classifications manifest in group psychotherapy
2305PDF: 508HTML: 19 -
Referential activity, dissociation, psychopathology and psychotherapy
1670PDF: 760HTML: 499 -
Changes in the anaclitic-introjective personality configurations following psychoanalytic psychotherapy with young adults
1827PDF: 804APPENDIX: 273HTML: 1877 -
The contribution of Sidney Blatt's two-polarities model to the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
3427PDF: 1307HTML: 960 -
Introduction to the issue in honor of Sidney Blatt
1102PDF: 456HTML: 226 -
Case formulations in mentalization-based group therapy
2293PDF: 1309HTML: 512 -
Transference interpretation and psychotherapy outcome: a systematic review of a no-consensus relationship
Defense mechanisms are associated with mental health symptoms across six countries
1177PDF: 417Supplementary Material: 72HTML: 223 -
Balancing clinical risk with countertransference management protects alliance
1802PDF: 1138HTML: 455